Friends Spending Time Together

Hearing Care

Hearing tests in Annan, Dumfriesshire

Just like eyesight, hearing is a precious sense that we can sometimes overlook.

Making sure you’re getting the best hearing possible is as easy 
as coming in for one of our free hearing tests. We have a fully-equipped hearing clinic and all of our testing is carried out by 
a qualified audiologist.

Women Listening To Music Wearing Headphones

Ear wax removal

Having some wax in your ears is completely healthy but for some people, it can become a problem. Hearing loss caused by ear wax is surprisingly common and can become quite severe over time. Fortunately, the procedure to remove excess ear wax is simple and effective. We offer wax removal on-site at our conveniently located practice so get in touch today to improve your hearing.

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Man Suffering From Ear Ache
Hearing Care

Hearing device aftercare

Aftercare is our way of checking in with you to ensure that your hearing aid is still working well. As well as testing your hearing and checking your device, we can let you know about new developments in hearing aid technology and give you any advice you need in managing hearing loss. Whatever your hearing care needs, we’re here to help.

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Meet your qualified Audiologist

I have worked in Audiology for over 30 years, as an Audiologist and heading up several UK nationwide private hearing care companies. Having returned to my native land, I now provide home based hearing care in Scotland. I’m passionate about providing hearing solutions to my patients to help them live life 
to the full, and I go out of my way to make sure they are happy.

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Staff Member
Russell Borland

Book your free hearing test

Yes, you heard that correctly. We offer free hearing tests
for everyone, book your appointment today!